The program consists of one-on-one meetings, which are free and confidential, in videoconference format with a volunteer lawyer or notary as well as a psychosocial counsellor from the organization Première Ressource. They provide parents with valuable psycholegal information in an instance of separation.
To apply for this legal service, please complete this form.
If for some reason our Family Law program unfortunately does not meet your needs, you may want to consult the Further Resources section.
Merci à nos partenaires
This initiative receives financial support from the Québec Bar and the Bar of Montréal.
Navigating Your Way
Through Family Separation e-book
Feel free to consult this book, which provides a wide range of information about family separation. You may find answers to some of your questions.
Further resources
If for some reason our Family Law program unfortunately does not meet your needs, here are some legal resources that may be of assistance:
For legal information, contact the Centre de justice de proximité
For legal and psychosocial information, visit the website JuridiQc
To obtain a low-cost consultation with a lawyer, contact the Québec Bar’s referral services
If you are a victim of sexual violence or domestic violence, please contact Rebâtir